Expressing milk is truly a selfless act. It’s hard labor but every drop is filled with
mother’s love. I have officemates who
would bring their kits and coolers to work. In between tasks, or I think twice
or thrice a day, they express milk. They
put them in little storage bags and store them in ice-filled coolers. Stash, they call it.
At their home sweet home, they store them in
their freezers. I imagine them smiling
at just how many they have produced. All
for the love of their baby girl or boy. So I am lost for words whenever there
are mothers who find it in their hearts to share. For me the act is just beyond kindness and
My nephew was in
St. Luke’s for 2 months. Just 6 days premature, he suffered a cord accident upon delivery. His lungs bled and two of his heart's valve didn't function for days. He needed help in order to breathe.
We have been knocking on people’s heart. All to ask for breastmilk. People also call this liquid gold. It's so precious because it has all the nutrients a recovering baby needs. No amount of canned milk can equal the power of breastmilk.
We are lucky because many mother’s have responded—Sakto lang milk but gave, blessed with
milk and shared, konti lang ang milk and still shared, people we know, people we didn’t know but
went out of their way to donate. They may
be nameless and faceless to my nephew now.
But one day soon, I’ll tell him the story of selfless mothers and how
they helped his mom weather this. One
day soon, I’ll tell him the story of his milk mothers.
(Thanks for all the prayers and support you generously showered us. Thank you to Cha Tomimbang, Jesci Arriola, Anna Araneta, Mel Menes, Muffin Tayag,Sheyz Uy, Sheila Sidhom, and Medy Maralit for Alab's chubby cheeks
:) Tita Edith, tita Lirio Escano, jojo ramirez, Angelo and Farrah Gutierrez and our milk fairy Sandy Beltran... Salamat po sa tulong. I attached a video of Alab here, no need to watch,
:) I just want this here as testament that he is such a warrior, he's got a great mom, dad and ate, at marami pa ring mababait na tao sa mundo.)

(Additional thanks to the following mothers: Maricel Guartel, Ayx Yao, Vance Mesas, Val, Nica Perez-Haber, Angie Ressurecion)
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