Whammos, jelly jooze, watchamacalliit, funwich, Tivoli ice cream, Eskimo pie, bubble cone pink with gumball at the bottom… I think i'd pass for a 90s kid.
:) They said brands come and go, but I think brands, they fade because their most loyal customer base just grew up. But, am sure the aging market will welcome with all their hearts and stomachs brands that will leave them nostalgic.
Like Whammos! Huwat?!!!!

Whammos, a chocolate-filled cake slice that was a favorite of kids during the 90s, is back in the shelves. Well, mostly you can find this chocolate fudge in 711 stores. (This was first posted in the FB account July 9 this year :) )
Also making a comeback is Magnolia's twin popsies!!!! The popsies come in orange and chocolate flavors!!

Whammos, a chocolate-filled cake slice that was a favorite of kids during the 90s, is back in the shelves. Well, mostly you can find this chocolate fudge in 711 stores. (This was first posted in the FB account July 9 this year :) )
Also making a comeback is Magnolia's twin popsies!!!! The popsies come in orange and chocolate flavors!!
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